GPS Business Diagnostic


Are you struggling to prioritise your business issues and opportunities?

Do you need clarification on which strategies will accelerate the growth and profit of your business?

Take 5 minutes to complete the 25-question Growth & Profit Diagnostic to identify from 10 key success factors:

  • Your top 3 areas of high performance (what’s working)
  • Your top 3 areas for improvement (what’s not working)
  • An overall graph showing how you performed across the top 10 key success factors including: - marketing, sales, people, implementation, strategy, profit, leadership, innovation, technology, and systems.

Where will you focus your energy to succeed in the coming year?

Fill out the Growth & Profit Diagnostic now and get your results immediately!

Once you have completed and submitted the diagnostic you will be emailed a copy of your results. You can then book your 15-minute one-to-one Growth and Profit Session where:

  • We’ll get super clear on where you are right now, and where you want to be.
  • You’ll understand the 3 key challenges in your business and get clarity on what your next steps should be
  • And finally, you’re going to leave inspired and motivated regardless of what we decide to do next

So, complete the diagnostic now and book a convenient time for your one-to-one Growth and Profit Session by copy and pasting this link -

Warm regards,


You will be presented with your results immediately after clicking 'Submit' at the end of the survey. You will also be emailed a copy of your results to the email supplied.

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