Our work has identified 10 key factors that successful family business excel
Answering the 30 questions in this Family Business Diagnostic will help you
identify your top 3 strengths and weaknesses.
This diagnostic was created by Mindshop advisor, Harry Kras from the Family
Business Resource Centre (http://www.fbrc.com.au)
Complete these 30 questions (it should only take you 5 minutes) and assess how well your family performs in the top 10 factors that successful family businesses get right. You will also identify the 3 areas that are working well and the 3 areas you need to focus on in your family business.
If completing on your mobile phone ensure it is held landscape for ease of use.
You will be presented with your
results immediately after clicking
'Submit' at the end of the
diagnostic. You will also be sent a
copy of your results to the email
By undertaking this business diagnostic
you agree to the
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