Aspirin's Business Health Check

Aspirin Business’s Healthcheck enables you to quickly assess the strength of your organisation across 10 Critical Success Factors, to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement.

In an increasingly fast-moving and complex world, it’s vital that we regularly do a quick ‘Healthcheck’ on our organisation. Complete these 23 questions (in less than 5 minutes) to identify the Top 3 Strengths, Top 3 Weaknesses and the areas for improvement. Ask your colleagues to complete the same Healthcheck and compare results for more collaborative problem-solving. (On mobile phones, use ‘landscape mode’ to see the questions more easily.)

You will be presented with your results immediately after clicking 'Submit' at the end of the diagnostic. You will also be sent a copy of your results to the email address supplied.

By undertaking this business diagnostic you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.