Overcoming the Skills Shortage Diagnostic

The skills shortage is impacting every business. This is not a short-term issue, but a long-term challenge that is forcing businesses to work in new and different ways or to risk becoming obsolete.

You want to know how to overcome the skills shortage, and in doing so improve how you engage your people, build competitive edge, and deliver great results profitably so you can continue to retain customers for repeat work, future opportunities and great referrals.

This diagnostics highlights the 9 drivers you need to have to overcome the skills shortage (both now and in the future), where you are strong or need to improve, and helps you to develop both the short-term and long-term plans you need.

If you want to Overcome the Skills Shortage even faster, then book a 15-minute, no obligation call with Andrew for your Overcoming the Skills Shortage Planning Session. In this:

  • We’ll get super clear on where you are right now, and where you want to be.
  • You’ll understand the 3 key challenges in dealing with the Skills Shortage and get clarity on what your next steps should be
  • And finally, you’re going to leave inspired and motivated regardless of what we decide to do next.

To find and book a convenient time, please copy and paste the link below into a new browser window. https://calendly.com/growth-and-profit/overcoming-the-skills-shortage-session

Complete these 27 questions (it should only take you 4-5 minutes) to identify from the 9 drivers the top 3 areas that are working well, and the top 3 areas you need to work on to enable you to produce an effective plan to overcome the skills shortage. You will also have the ability to see how you compare to the global benchmark (average scores of all completed diagnostics) on each of the 9 drivers. If completing on your mobile phone ensure it is held landscape for ease of use.

You will be presented with your results immediately after clicking 'Submit' at the end of the diagnostic. You will also be sent a copy of your results to the email address supplied.

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